Public speaking has always made me nervous and is saved as a last resort. Put me in front of a group of kiddos, and I'll teach them all day. Put me in front of a group of adults, and I'll second guess myself all day. Who is what it is, and I've learned to just try and embrace it, challenge myself when I can, and use writing as my own form of therapy from time to time.
I began a blog (Our Winding Road) several years ago when my husband and I began our journey through IVF. It was a challenging topic to talk about and keep everyone updated on, so I chose a blog to communicate the process with our loved ones. It turned into a blog that continued through years of growing our family. As much as I loved writing, I reached a point where I just felt keeping my blog updated was becoming too time consuming and had gotten away from what I'd originally intended. Mat and I both still enjoy looking back over it though and re-reading the posts about that exciting time in our lives! I find myself again approaching a topic that is challenging at times to verbalize, but I am learning that there's power in communicating it, so I am turning to what I am most comfortable with, and that is writing. So, here goes nothing.... It's a journey for myself. If anyone else chooses to follow along, even better!
So glad you're back at this!!